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The Diagnosis

Back in March it had been 2.5 years since I had had a period.  I was on the pill until November 9th, 2012 and after that lost about 25 pounds as well as my monthly visitor.  I saw a gynocologist a year after that and she told me I was very thin and should put on more weight.  At the time, I was an avid runner and ate a little too healthy.  I wasn't trying to be too thin, I just enjoyed my lifestyle at the time.  This past March, I went to a gynocologist in Novi and he said it could be the fact that I was underweight or PCOS.  PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome.  Ofcourse I googled the shit out of it just to see what I could have.  After reading several articles, I had decided I didn't have it and probably just needed to put on some pounds.  A few weeks later I got a call saying I did have it.  PCOS is a tricky diagnosis because you can have all or some symptoms.  The only ones I had were that I was not ovulating and my hormone levels were off.  The good thing with PCOS is that women can and have had children, they just need fertility medicine in some cases.  I tend to want to know any and everything so I looked into PCOS further to see what it entailed.  It is usually in women who are overweight, have diabetes, and typically starts when women begin having periods.  However, you can be someone who is thin, not have diabetes, and still get it.  There is still a lot of unknowns with it and some side effects are pretty hard to deal with such as dark patches on skin, balding, weight gain, acne, and diabetes.  The good news is that many of those symptoms can be relieved with perscriptions.

My PCOS just meant that I had to take birth control in order to have monthly periods.  So when I had my last cycle after we got married, my doctor took me off birth control and gave me Chlomid to help me get pregnant.  I took it today and will take it until Wednesday.  Then on day 21 of my cycle, I will get my blood drawn to see if I ovulated and on the 28th day I will take a pregnency test.  This will occur for three months and if we do not get pregnant, my doctor will send us to a fertility specialist.  The good news is that he is being proactive and not making us try on our own for a year so we have a plan.  The bad news is that the worry wart in me is concerned with the fact that before this, I needed the pill to have a period, so what if I don't have one this month and am not pregnant?  You need to have a period before you can take Chlomid again so it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.  I am going to pray and maintain my positive mindset because I refuse to let any of this spoil all of the wonderful things I am grateful for.  My husband also gave me a wonderful reminder when he told me we haven't even started trying yet so how do I know it will be that difficult?  Love him.

One last thing.........  I have been told by a few people that I could be misdiagnosed with PCOS.  As I said before, I am an avid runner.  Apparently there has been research that indicated high amounts of running for some people casues hormone levels to become unbalanced which leads to a misconception of PCOS.  I am doing  my own little experiment and have put on enough weight to  have a BMI of 19 which is a good number for getting pregnant and just being healthy in general, but I have also decreased my runs.  The new running schedule is 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes.  I want to see if doing all of this helps me have periods on my own as well as helps my hormone levels.  If so, it proves I don't have it.  I know what you are thinking, and I know I could be wrong.  If I am so be it.  Victoria Beckham has it and they were blessed with 4 children.  I will live with it and keep moving forward.  I just want to know what's going on with my body and take care of it.  A healthy body will hopefully produce healthy babies.  I'll keep you posted.
